Jord's Adventures in Norway

Jord's Adventures in Norway

Thursday, March 12, 2015

6 MONTHS, Northern Lights, a Blizzard, the list could go on and on!!!

**Note from mom:
Hi everyone!!  Sorry for the late post!  The kids and I are enjoying Spring Break in Colorado and I am just now getting around to getting close to a computer to post!  Sister Peterson is doing GREAT!!  We are so proud of her and her positive attitude while she is freezing up north!!  Here is her post for last Monday:

Hei Hei Dere!!!
Dang so many things happened this week!!!!

So to begin, I hit my 6 month mark!! What the heck!! Where has the time gone!!! I cannot believe I have been out for 6 months!!! I still feel like a newbie!!

THE NORTHERN LIGHTS ARE NOT A MYTH!!!!! Søster House and I were getting ready for bed and I went out on the balcony to shake out a rag and I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes!! I started screaming and freaking out!! Søster House thought I was kidding hahaha. We threw on shoes and our coats and sprinted outside down to the water to see the Northern Lights!!! (Everyone says you can see them better by the water and we live close to the water.) It was the coolest thing ever!! We didn't get very good pictures, but they were all over the sky and green and dancing!! Dang I am so lucky to be here!!! It was so funny because you could tell who were tourists and who weren't because some people were just not even paying attention to them and others were staring and pointing and trying to take pictures!

Søster House and I keep ourselves pretty busy throughout the week with teaching appointments!!! I have never been so busy my whole mission! It is the greatest! We are so lucky and blessed to be here!! We are continuing to find people on the streets and through the area book!! There are some people we have called that haven't been taught in over a year!! It is crazy!!

Søster House and I made a goal to become better at asking people to be baptized. It is actually a scary thing for missionaries to do - you would be surprised!! I mean that IS why we are here! To help others come unto Christ and by doing that, baptism is something they need to do!  We asked more of our investigators this week and even though they said no we were just proud of ourselves for asking! When they say no, it is a sign to us that they aren't ready! So it's okay!! We just need to keep teaching them and helping them find their way!

The Elders had a baptism! They baptized a couple Arnt and Bianca and they are so cute! I just love them!!! They are going to be so awesome and great for the Tromsø Branch!! Bianca was so cute and nervous right before she got baptized and Arnt was so happy!!! The spirit was so strong!! They have a daughter who is 16 who came and she isn't a member and hasn't been taught and it was such a cool thing for her to witness!!! She is so cute and Søster House and I are going to get to know her and hang out with her and are hoping we can teach her!

Today at Church it was a miracle!! We had so many people in church who weren't members it was crazy!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! Søster House and I even had a guy we had talked to on the street our first week here randomly show up!! It was the coolest thing ever!!!

You know it's real when you go banking (knocking on doors) in a blizzard!! Søster House and I are still not so great with directions here so we usually end up getting on the wrong bus or missing the stop or getting lost hahaha. So like normal we ended up getting lost yesterday and so we decided to just get off at the next bus stop and go banking. Let me add in that it was seriously a blizzard outside!!! It was insane!!! Søster House and I were pretty sure our toes were going to get frostbite..... However it was so awesome to see the Lord's hand when we were out!! We got two people's numbers and are going to try to meet with them next week and one of them has even met with missionaries before!! It was so cool!!

The gospel is real and the Church is true!! I am so blessed to be able to be a missionary and share the knowledge and happiness that I have with others!!

Jordan's Tidbits:
- Do you think it is possible to laugh so hard you throw up?? Well folks it is possible!!!

- Never ever drink buttermilk!! This sweet lady gave Søster House and I some buttermilk to drink and it is thick and tastes like Liquid sour cream!!! Aww it was so gross!!!! Luckily we had to catch a bus so we didn't have to drink it all!

- I learned that it is winter till usually the end of June here in Tromsø!! I about cried when I heard that!!!
- Søster House and I decided that we are Alma and Amulek!! Seriously go read Alma Chapter 15 and it describes Søster House and I

***Every trial can bring greater faith! While it is important to pray for strength and help in trials, it is also important to pray to learn from trials.  You can pray for eyes to see and ears to hear the Lord's tender mercies and Grace in Your life. The unique burdens in our lives help us to rely on the mercy, love, and Grace of God. The Savior will help us bear up Our burdens With ease***

***We generally serve those we love and we come to love those we serve****

Ha en fint uke dere!!! Glad I dere!!!
Søster Peterson


*** Read the Liahona Magazine for this month!! March 2015, you can also find it on or!!!

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